- WE´RE GOING TO LAS VEGAS! In June! That´s right, The Itty-Bitties will be ruffling their plumage at the one and only Burlesque Hall of Fame June the 2nd. This year there will be more Finns taking the stage there than ever before, because Olivia Rouge and LouLou D´Vil will be there as well! Ain´t it marvellous. Expect long and excited rants about preparations, packing, performances and what-not.
Furthermore, our first-ever burlesque beginners´ course was finished and celebrated with sparkling wine and cheerful performances within the pink walls of Bittycave - here you can see the teachers, trying to look as stern and proper as teachers should...

Also, three of us got the chance to shoot with the fantastic (and oh so sweet!) Kaylin Idora during her visit to Finland; more on that, too, later, we hope, but here are some teasers to go:
Cherry Dee:

Tinker Bell in the snowy forest:

( ... that was by the way the quickest photo shoot I´ve ever had the pleasure to attend. Twenty minutes tops, and we were done. Of course, the snow and the cold helped with being very efficient!)
And Vera De Vil as an odalisque:

That´s all for tonight, kids, but watch this space... watch this space!
(Oh and! I´ll personally kiss anyone who knows the band that inspired the post title... hee!)
Wonderful photos! And thanks for the kiss, the song is unquestionably from the lovely Cocteau Twins ;)
Mmmwwwahhh, here´s a kiss right at´cha! <3
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